Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Love Books

I love books. This comes as no surprise to most. I especially love children's books. I thought that I would share a few of my favorites with you here today. If you prefer sappy books for kids keep in mind that I really don't like 'Love You Forever' so if that's what you're looking for ya ain't gonna find it. ;)

First up I LOVE Lauren Child. She's the brain-trust behind Charlie and Lola. She does however have several other books and characters for a range of age levels. One of my personal favorites is:
Whose Afraid of the Big Bad Book
In this book Herb, who has not been kind to his books, falls asleep and falls into a book of fairy tales. The queens and princess are not happy with him since he drew mustaches on all of them. There is a missing prince, a hole through a page and phones in every room. Herb has to get out before Goldilocks annoys the daylights out of him. It's very clever and funny. I could read it again and again.
To check out more about Lauren Child go to her official website:

I also adore the illustrator David Catrow. If you've ever seen one of his books his style will always be recognizable. One of my favorite books illustrated by him is:
Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
by Patty Lovell

In this book Molly gets picked on by the class bully but she just remembers Grandma's advice and everything turns out OK. It's cute and I love Molly!
You can check out his website at:

I was going to share more but my own little people are hollering for attention. I will post more. I'd love to hear what your faves are!


Chennifer said...

great post! Will see if I can find any of these books translated to Swedish for my niece!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

I love children's books as well. My boys can read by themselves now, but I still love reading to them.