I'm trying something different. I'm taking part in a monthly challenge put out by the lovely folks at http://creativeeveryday.com This months theme is 'SOUND'. This was kind of tough for me since I'm so visual but here goes...
I could write about all of the sounds I love. I considered it but it was just to cliche. I could write about the sounds I hate but a lot of those gave me the heebie jeebies just thinking about them. SO I thought hmmm... What about the lack of sound? Silence?
Silence can be both peaceful and yet disturbing. I love when everyone has gone to sleep and I can sit and read or just veg out. I always know I need to check when the kids are in a room together and there is no sound. When I'm home alone I hear the smallest noise when all should be quiet; ticking of the clock, the ice maker, the breathing of the axe murderer that I just know is standing right behind me...
Sometimes the most frustrating thing for me is MY silence. The times I should have spoken up but kept my mouth shut. Not offering a kind word to the homeless guy counting his change for coffee. Not stepping in when an adult manhandles a child. Not telling the loud mouth racist at a party that they're a complete idiot. Not shouting at the woman in the car next to me with an infant on her lap that babies don't work that well as airbags.
There was a time when I didn't think twice about that. I would speak my mind and no one ever had to guess what I was thinking. That was before I had the kids in tow. Their safety often stifles my inner smart-ass. I just hope that they grow up brave enough to stand-up for what they believe in and yet smart enough to know when they need to back down... Just a little.
This is my favorite blog thus far. You let your vulnerablity show through in this one. That's awesome! Being able to hear the subtle sounds of the ticking clock, the icemaker and the shallow breathing of the axe murderer (I'm glad I'm not the only one) proves your keen sense of awareness. That's impressive!
I only know you as the Cheryl that speaks up when she sees an injustice. I can only imagine that having kids completely changes the game. At the same time, I encourage you to do what you feel is right. What feels right with your amazing intuition. You always know the right choice you make. I know this because I know you. You are one of the most powerful people I know. That's why I have always loved and admired you. With power comes responsibility.
When you know something is wrong, it is your job to do something about it. You have always been a leader, so keep leading. That's how you make a differnece. I've known you for 20 years and easily recognize that you have had a huge impact on my life. I know you have had an amazing impact on others lives as well. Whether they like it or not. Awesome post, Cheryl! Keep being open, honest and vulnerable. It's inspiring!!!!!!!!!!
What a great post, Cheryl! Very real and thought provoking. I would never think of you as one to stand by and ignore injustices - I think you've found a good balance.
Oh, and I'm glad I'm not the only one that checks for an axe murderer over my shoulder.
Thanks guys.
Paul, ya ol' softy, you...
What a beautiful post! I love your musings on sound. I can definitely relate. Sounds to me like your kids have a great role model.
it is a cute little hand...
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