Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Soon She'll Be Two


Corey~living and loving said...

love the one of her reading with the statue. ♥

happy WW!

Christina said...

good golly Miss Claudia - almost two already! how did that happen???? She is gorgeous. :o)

Vixen said...

They grow up so fast, don't they. That one of her with the book and the statue is priceless.

Cheryl said...

SHe was SOOOOO uncooperative. I couldn't get her to look up for ANYTHING. I need to figure out how to beautify these on Photoshop.

lauren said...

her hair has gotten so long! i miss me some Claudia. i got photoshop...happy to play if you want me to.

My Vegan Life said...

Great pics of a beautiful little girl!Time does fly!my oldest is almost 21....seems like just yesterday she was 2!
Have a great week!