Tuesday, September 15, 2009

That's My Boy...

I was outside watching my son play in the rain. I can't believe how big he's gotten. He'll be 5 in a few short months which means kindergarten is right around the corner. I marvel sometimes that he's been with us this long and yet there are days where it seems like he's just always been a part of us.
Don't get me wrong, I'm SOOOO not one of those moms that is going to have a hard time letting him go to school. If anything I'm a little bummed that his birthday is just a hair too late to have started already. I just can't believe that he's gone from this little bundle of spit up to this.
Yes, he's four although he looks six or seven but sometimes acts two. He's bright and funny. he can make up a story that goes on and on and, sometimes, on and on and on. He knows how to push my buttons and is constantly blaming things on his sister. He's a great hugger and will talk the ear off of anyone who will listen. He's sensitive and a bit self-centered. He's definitely unique and marches to his own drummer. I wouldn't change a thing... Well, not at this moment... There are days though...


lauren said...

What a create charcter portrait of Clyde! We miss him so much. Lila loved the pics!

Tory said...

awwwwwww Cheryl - very well done!