Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New camera

Woo Hoo! I got a new camera; a Cannon Rebel EOS. It was a painful purchase. It's so hard for me to spend that kind of money on myself. I went to Target, found the camera, picked up a memory card, called my parents. I needed some one to talk me into it and my husband was at work. My dad tried, sort of. I bought it. Of course I didn't open the box right away. It's still returnable if unopened.
Eventually I did open it and boy am I glad I did. I LOVE it! I'm still learning about all of the bells and whistles. I was a photo major at Ohio State almost 20 years ago and seemed to have forgotten a whole bunch of stuff. I'm hoping it will come back.
Here are a few of my first shots.

Clyde is almost always willing to Ham it up.

Claudia, bloody nose and all

Can't go wrong with subjects this cute!

An architectural cruise in Chicago got the old juices flowing.

At a park in Chicago.

I realize that these are pretty basic 'photo student shots' but I was just having too much fun shooting EVERYTHING! I had forgotten how much more I see when I have a real camera in tow.
Stick with me. It will come back... I hope!


Christina said...

It WILL come back, I'm sure of it! Maybe once you get back, we can go on some photoshoots together. :0)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and your blog too....I am just jealous. i have nothing to blog about. I wish that I did. Boo hoo...feeling sorry for my self. :(