For the girly-girl I repurposed an old cigar box. I painted it pink and decoupaged a bird that I designed on to the top. Next I used dimensional paint to add yellow polka dots and trimmed the edge with a pink boa (that I hope won't shed too much. I decked out the inside with paper and ribbon to cover the cigar motif. I used a round bead and a ribbon loop for a closure. I was pretty happy with how it turned out.

For my tomboy I used an un-finished box from Michael's. Apparently cigar boxes are becoming harder to get hold of. I painted it metallic purple. I only did one coat so it looked more like stain. I added a cutesy caterpillar made from paper scraps, a pipe cleaner for a stick, a bead for a nose and, of course, some googly eyes. I trimmed the top with some white, fuzzy fiber that I made a chain out of (don't know what else to call it). My son then decided we should add some beads so we did. I left the inside of this one plain since it was clean of any advertising.

Both girls seemed happy with these and I had fun making them. Next it's on to some more decoupaged frames for a friend. Man, I love glue! :)
Hope some of you are out there being crafty as well.
I really can't even begin to imagine that much snow. The most I've seen at one time in the last 10 years is maybe 2 inches. WOW. You're going to have snow there for a LONG time - fun!
Yeah! Welcome to Crafty Tuesday. I love the boxes...such a very cute idea! My girls would love a trinket box like this!
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