Thursday, January 21, 2010

Change Your Life Thursdays

OK, so a friend of mine sent me a message on FB saying that another friend of hers was challenging herself and others to find ten things that they want to accomplish this year, post them and then tell others when they've been completed. Here is my list...

1) Lose 20 lbs. ( I know it should be more but you gotta start somewhere)
2) Focus on my craft business and get it running
3) Apply to school
4) Blog
5) Organize my craft crap
6) Get my novel completely fleshed out
7) Do more things for myself
8) Go to church more

I know it's not 10 things and I know that these things may not seem all that life altering to you but trust me... Being an unorganized, fat, lapsed Catholic with no stick-to-itivness these things could make a HUGE difference. I will definitely let you know how it goes.

Let me know if you're up for the challenge. I'd like to find some people to help keep me accountable. I will try to make Thursday my day to blog about the steps I've taken (or my lack of taking any) towards my goals . Check in to see how I'm doing and to let me know how you're doing.

If you do a similar blog post tell people about my blog and I will try to figure out how to do the same for your blog. Thanks!


Tory said...

20 lbs is actually a very healthy goal - lose too much too fast, and you will probably gain it back. Slowly losing means you are more likely changing your "eating lifestyle" and are more apt to keep it off. Just sayin.
What are you looking to go back to school to take?

Suzanne Varney said...

I'll be watching :-)

Not sure if I can list 10 things. But I will cheat a little cuz some of my things are already started...

1.) Clean the kids bedrooms (this was a major task we undertook last weekend...17 bags of garbage!)
2.) Paint the kids bedrooms
3.) Clean out our basement
4.) Organize our den/office
5.) Okay, okay...lose 20 lbs!

It's a start right!!!

Jeanette Brown said...

Okay, I too need to lose 20 lbs. There, I've said it. My second will be almost like yours as well: Get my photography business up and running. I actually have a website now: (a start). The third would be to LET GO OF THINGS our house is overrun by things that we don't need right now but I can't seem to get rid of them because they are special or "someday we might need them". YIKES. I can't do 10 because I think I may be in over my head w/ these three! I will try though.

Christina said...

Good for you, Cheryl! Those things don't sound so little to me tho - pretty huge steps! My main goals are to get the BIG D wrapped up, to keep chugging away at school without losing my mind, lose 15#.

Christina said...

p.s Novel? why didn't I know you're working on one - fill me in!